05 May 2022

Vincentia High School commemorated Anzac Day through our involvement in a number of local services and marches. Poor weather prevented Captains Eva Mackay and Ryan Marr from delivering the Invocation at the Huskisson RSL sub-Branch service however they were able to lead our school with pride during the march and lay a wreath at the Voyager Park Memorial. Tarra Thomas, Brooke Thomas, Saphira Webber, Ethan Webber, Nathan Luck, Ryan Luck Jaymee- Lee Joines, Maddeline Booth, Bridget Raftery and Jillian Raftery also braved the weather to march with the Captains.
Christopher Allen (Vice Captain) and Charlotte Franco (School Leader) represented our school at the Sussex Inlet RSL sub-Branch service and eloquently delivered the Invocation which outlined the Gallipoli landing and the enduring values of the Anzacs.
Vincentia High School’s Anzac Day Assembly took place on Friday 29 April with a number of special guests attending our assembly including: The Hon. Amanda Findley, Mrs Liz Folkard on behalf of The Hon. Fiona Phillips and Petty Officer Jesse Edwards of HMAS Creswell. Representatives from local organisations also attended including: Huskisson RSL sub-Branch, Huskisson RSL sub-Branch Women’s Auxiliary, Sussex Inlet RSL sub-Branch, Club Jervis Bay, Jervis Bay Vietnam Veterans Association, Coastal waters Retirement Resort, Sussex Inlet RSL Club, Australian Red Cross (Vincentia Branch), the Veterans Motorcycle Club (South Coast Chapter) and Vincentia Public School and Mrs Michelle Armstrong President of Vincentia High P&C.
Brenda Ardler beautifully delivered the Welcome to Country which was followed by our talented vocal ensemble, led by Ms Higgins and Mr Gatehau, who sang the Australian anthem (in both Dhurga and English) and the New Zealand anthem. During the principal’s address, Ms Ruth Winfield poignantly reminded us to listen to the stories of the Anzacs. “Take time to listen, really listen so that you genuinely understand as if you were standing in that person’s shoes doing what they are describing.” Special guest Petty Officer Jesse Edwards paid tribute to those veterans who have come before him and also reflected on the selflessness of those who serve and their loyalty to their mates. Head Teacher HSIE Mr Michael Matuschka spoke about first nations people of Australia and New Zealand contribution to the war.
We were very honoured to have our talented Dhaawarri Dancers perform a number of special dances and also music teacher, Mr Joseph Gatehau, exquisitely sing Safety of Distance. Special thanks must also be given to our marvellous navy cadets brilliantly led by Connor Duffy. We are also very grateful for the donation of Keith Payne’s autobiographical novel, No One Left Behind, from the Veterans Motorcycle Club, South Coast Chapter.
Lest We Forget