It was wonderful to catch up with Morgan Davis who graduated VHS Year 12 in 2010. Morgan is working as a paramedic in London! Enjoy our Q&A.
Where are you working now and in what role?
I work for London Ambulance Services as a paramedic. I currently work on a solo responding car in the north sector of London. As a solo responder I attend patients who have complicated injuries or illnesses.
What do you love about your job?
I love almost every aspect of my job. It’s extremely rewarding work. I’m able to help people who could be having the worst day of their lives. I can provide emotional support, medical help
and educate people from all over the world. I’ve been able to deliver babies to new mothers and help elderly patients in their final minutes of life. Sometimes it can be an intense job but other times it is very relaxed.
Did anyone at VHS inspire you to follow your chosen career path?
I think fondly back to my time at VHS. I had a wonderful year group and fantastic teachers. The principal Mr Glenday helped me get accepted into university and all my senior teachers encouraged me to achieve the best that I could. They inspired me to travel and take every opportunity I can.
Did you have many challenges to get to where you are now?
I wouldn’t say challenges but I worked hard to get where I am. Moving away from home to study can be hard sometimes, but it was well worth it. My degrees took 4 years to completed, at times it was stressful and seemed beyond manageable! However, I graduated and was able to work as a nurse for a year before becoming a paramedic. As hard as some moments felt when studying or working, it was all worth it to be where I am now.
Do you have any advice for our current students?
Take every opportunity you can, even if it’s not something you’re 100% in to.