Vincentia High School Uniform Web Store is now open!
Uniform Shop Information.
Onsite window shop located from our Hall.
Please see the image below for dates and times.
2024 Price List
2024 Order Form
We accept credit card payment through Paypal.
Once ordered please pick up your purchase from the school uniform shop, we do not offer home delivery at this stage. If you place your order after shop hours please allow time for the order to be processed before pick up. We are going bag free, so please bring your own bags.
Please sign in at the front office before proceeding to the shop.
Shop hours:
7.45am - 10.30am
1.30pm - 3pm
You can choose different sizes when you come in to pick up, if the one in your order does not fit.
Please bring a copy of your Paypal receipt as proof of payment.
Order online and make a booking:
The Vincentia High School uniform reflects the school community standards, which are consistent with the Occupational Health and Safety, Anti Discrimination and Equal Opportunity legislation.
The wearing of school uniform is compulsory. The school uniform was decided on by members of the school community. The uniform is smart and practical and contributes to the promotion of a positive self-esteem for all students.
The school has a uniform check system each day in roll call. Students who are continually out of uniform may be placed on an afterschool detention. If there is a legitimate reason for not wearing uniform students are asked to bring a note with them on the day to explain why they are out of uniform.
Black closed in shoes are to be worn at school and thongs are not to be worn. Sport shoes with sport uniform.
The following items are available at the Vincentia High School Uniform Shop:
Grey Dress for Seniors
Tartan Dresses for Juniors
Grey Elastic Waist Shorts
Grey Fitted Shorts
Grey Elastic Waist Trousers
Grey Slacks
Maroon Tartan Skirt
Short Sleeved buttoned Shirt White for Juniors
Short Sleeved buttoned Shirt Sky Blue for Seniors
Short Sleeve buttoned Blouse White/Sky
Junior Polo Shirt White
Senior Polo Shirt Sky Blue
Sport Polo Shirt
Sport Shorts Maroon
Sport Track Pants
Sport Long Sleeve Jacket
Maroon Fleecy Top
Grey Hoodie
School Tie (with logo)
Softshell Jacket
School Cap (with logo)
Enclosed black shoes
Enclosed sport shoes