Enjoy our Wellbeing Blog & News Articles
13-19 November 2021 - Trans Awareness Week
Trans Awareness Week is a week where people who identify as transgender, gender diverse and their allies educate the community about who they are, share their stories and challenges, and advocate for their right to be free from prejudice, discrimination and abuse. Those who have lost their lives to transphobia and discrimination will be honoured Trans Day of Remembrance on 20th November. For more information about this important day, go to https://tdor.org.au/about
Share your artwork to celebrate the trans community
The City of Sydney is partnering with ACON and TransHub to create an online gallery showcasing artworks and other creative expressions shared by transgender people. They are inviting the public to submit their A4 work that covers the themes affirmation, community, remembrance, and resilience. Submissions close on 20th November 2021. If you are interested in being involved, go to https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/share-your-artwork-to-help-celebrate-our-transgender-community
How you can show your support
· Be an ally by speaking out and standing up against hate. Don’t be a bystander.
· If a friend or family identify as trans or gender diverse, let them know that you are there for them by listening without judgement.
· Proudly wear a transgender or rainbow flag badge and encourage others to support the trans community
· Other ways to show your support can be found at https://www.transhub.org.au/allies and How to be a trans ally | Minus18
Learn more about transgender and gender diversity
· Resources for all things transgender https://www.transhub.org.au/
· Introduction to gender diversity https://trans101.org.au/
· Information for parents and carers of transgender people https://www.pgdc.org.au/
· Information for trans youth http://www.ygender.org.au/
The Vincentia High School Support Squad offers peer-support for our LGBTQIA+ community and they meet every Thursday at recess. For more information, please contact the Wellbeing Team at Yilaga-Miraral (Wellbeing Hub).
14 October 2021 - tips to get back into school life
Some students have enjoyed the lockdown, others have found it hard to study from home and many of us have felt a bit of everything. The good news is that these are normal reactions to an abnormal situation. Headspace has put together a list of things you might experience when you go back to school and tips on how to deal with it.
What might happen?
A mix of emotions from anxiety to excitement might happen. Many students will be feeling the same way about going back to school so you’re not alone. Here’s a list of common thoughts you might have:
● Thinking that returning to your life before COVID-19 seems like a huge task
● Finding things that used to be easy becoming difficult, worrying or scary
● Finding it hard to get going
● Concerned you might catch the virus
● Realising you want to make changes to the way you live your life
● Wondering if your friendships will be the same
● Thinking about how to re-establish intimate relationships
● Worrying about alcohol and other drugs use
What can you do?
You might be fine or you might find it really hard. Either way, it’s ok to feel this way. Here are some ideas which might help make things easier:
● Think about the fun things you want to do once restrictions ease
● Write out a plan to help motivate yourself. Sometimes detail can help motivate you even if you don’t quite feel like it at the time
● Ask your family and friends to get involved
● Take it slow. Gradually try new things. You don’t need to do everything straight away
● Start with something that seems easier, before moving to difficult things
● If you’re worried about catching the virus remember to practice hand hygiene and physical distancing
● Think about what you might need to do if things don’t go well, and write down a few ideas of what might help you get back on track
● Keep in mind that things may change and restrictions could start again
Where do I go for help?
If you need advice, find a trusted friend, family, teacher, Elder or the Wellbeing Team. The best thing you can do for yourself is talk to someone. You can also reach out to these organisations which specialises in helping young people:
headspace: 1800 650 890 or headspace.org.au
Lifeline: 13 11 14 or lifeline.org.au
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 or suicidecallbackservice.org.au
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636 or beyondblue.org.au
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 or kidshelpline.com.au
ReachOut: reachout.com
If you are in an emergency situation or need immediate assistance, contact mental health services or emergency services on 000.
7 October 2021 - World Mental Health Awareness Month
Like physical health, our mind also needs to be looked after carefully so that it can be strong and healthy. “Exercises" for your brain can include meditation, talking to friends, playing games and sports, volunteering for a good cause, and looking after animals.
COVID and lock downs are making life harder for everyone. This can make our mind feel unwell and we don't know how to get better. When that happens, the best thing you can do is talk to someone you trust. It can be your parents, best friend, favourite teacher or the Wellbeing team.
October is Mental Health Awareness Month and we would like to invite all students to share messages of positivity, love and support to someone who may be feeling down. You can write them a nice letter, draw them a picture, or meet up for a walk. If you need help on ideas, come and talk to the Wellbeing team. We have also created links to websites you can check out for information on mental health and well-being at https://vincentia-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/wellbeing/online-resources-for-students.html
27 September 2021 - Wear it Purple Day
On Friday 27 September 2021, Vincentia High School celebrated Wear it Purple Day. Wear it Purple Day strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people. This year’s theme “Start the conversation, keep it going”, focused on the important and necessary conversations we have in our daily life; that centre around sexual orientation and gender identity.
We kicked off the day with a pride flag raising by members of our Support Squad and the school Captain. This was recorded and posted to the school Facebook page for all students learning from home, their parents and carers, and the community, to see.
Our English staff created an educational video that was also shared on the school Facebook page, raising awareness of the day’s celebrations.
Students and staff all got involved, wearing purple and sharing photos. One of our strengths is our inclusive approach to education. It is important that we embrace diversity so we can learn from each other. We are proud to acknowledge our LGBTQIA students.
Thank you to all the students who helped celebrate Wear it Purple Day 2021!

13 May 2020 - Delivery of portable for Wellbeing Hub
Exciting times with the placement of the Wellbeing Portable that will provide facilities for an increased number of health and community services at Vincentia High School, improving access for students and families in our local community.
The arrival of the portable on Wednesday 13 May 2020 is the culmination of many years of work and collaboration with service providers, Department of Education and the Vincentia High School Wellbeing Team.
Headspace Service Manager David Wootton and Office Manager Sally Lamb were on hand to watch the placement of the building and are one of a number of outreach services available through the Wellbeing Hub.
Wellbeing Team and Service Providers

Mrs Clark and Ms Winfield at the delivery

October is Wellbeing Month - 8 October 2021
Here is a calendar of online events that you can participate in next week: Online Events
2 September 2021 - Support Squad
Every Thursday at recess, Support Squad is held on the TAS deck. Support Squad aims to provide an inclusive, supportive, safe, and empowering space for LGBTQIA+ young people and allies to hang.
The Wellbeing Team are in collaboration with members of Support Squad to create an LGBTQIA+ friendly mural at the school to show support and celebrate the rainbow youth of our community. This mural is a meaningful opportunity to raise awareness, promote diversity and create an inclusive space for LGBTQIA+ youth.
Come and join us every Thursday and show your support to the rainbow students of Vincentia High School!