In creative arts, students discover a variety of art forms through a study of dance, drama, music and visual arts.
Studying the creative arts, students learn to appreciate, compose, listen, make and perform. Each art form has its own unique knowledge and skills, elements or concepts as well as a capacity to inspire and enrich lives.
Students must study 100 hours of both music and visual arts during Years 7 to 10. They also have an opportunity to further develop their knowledge and skills in other art forms through elective subjects including drama, dance, photography and visual design. Students can then select from a range of courses in Years 11 to 12.
VHS CAPA department has well established facilities and offers courses in Music, Dance, Drama, Visual Arts, Photography and Digital Media, Ceramics and Visual Design. A range of extension activities are also offered including Dance ensembles, Music ensembles and instrumental tuition. Students are encouraged to take part in competitions, exhibitions and performances both in school and in the public arena.
Each year our students' achievements are celebrated in Art Exhibitions and our major end of year performance night "Show Case". In addition, our performing arts students regularly perform at lunchtime concerts, formal assemblies, Wakakirri and end of term performance nights.
You can view past perfomances through the following links: