09 Jun 2022

Congratulations to Year 9 student Ryley Anthes who has been awarded the 2022 15 Years Age Champion for the South Coast Secondary Swimming Championship and was the 14 Years Champion in 2021.
Riley started swimming at the age of 5 and started competing at 8 years old. Riley swims with the Wollongong Swim Club and trains 1 1/2 hours in the morning and again in the afternoon/evening 5 days per week, the morning sessions are at the Bay & Basin Leisure Centre with coach Steven Alderman and the evenings are in Wollongong with the club coach Chris Buchanan. His drive and dedication to wake at 4.30am comes from the health benefits Riley gets from swimming and the thrill of competing against National Title holders. Eating healthy is important to him, the challenge is eating enough to maintain his fitness and energy levels. Riley competes all year round at Country, State and National levels. Riley's goal is to be selected for the NSW Sharks Team and to break a world record one day!
To stay up to date with school work Riley has to study at the pool during wait periods and attends the Vincentia High School Learning and Support Education Room for extra support to complete his school work.
Well done Riley we admire your dedication and look forward to following your swimming journey.