01 Jul 2022

Congratulations to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year for the Illawarra and the South East Region, Jade Barrington! Jade was nominated for this prestigious award due to her diligence in completing her unit assessments and her attitude to the traineeship and how it can assist her to reach her goals.
Gaining a Certificate II in Business Administration traineeship through Vincentia High School and The Illawarra ITeC Ltd. Jade is very committed and actively involved with Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community, she has mentored and tutored younger Aboriginal students and takes great pride in communicating with local Aboriginal elders and nominated them as being great role models whom she has based her ambitions and aspirations on.
Jade is a very proud First Nations woman and is keen to learn all she can to complete her studies and gain an ATAR to university to become a school teacher. Jade is a fitting recipient of this award and will surely grow into a strong leader within the local Aboriginal Community.